P-06-1308 Take immediate action to end sexual harassment in ALL Welsh schools, not just secondary schools, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 28.11.22


Many thanks for sharing the Welsh Government response with me. 


Whilst I do appreciate that further inquiries will give more age-specific data, and that the new RSE curriculum has a huge part to play, I do think that there is still an opportunity to implement some of the commitments from the CYPE Committee report across all educational establishments now. I believe that a reasonable solution would be for each of the commitments in the report to be reviewed and, wherever possible, implemented for primary schools and colleges too (e.g. standardised reporting, teacher training). This is particularly important considering that for years 5 and 6, the RSE curriculum is in a phase with early secondary school - an acknowledgement of this key developmental age. 


I will also acknowledge my thanks to the Welsh Government as I have been invited to input to the multi agency action plan.


Many thanks to the Petitions Committee for all your support,

Hanna Andersen